Recall Email Outlook

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Mishaps happen — you click ‘send’ in Outlook and immediately wish you hadn’t. The ‘recall email Outlook’ feature can be your undo button. This article swiftly navigates you through the process for a rapid fix, clarifying when email recall is an option and signalling the feature’s restrictions.

Key Takeaways

  • Outlook’s recall feature lets you delete or replace emails in your org, but it has limits — like only working if the recipient hasn’t read the email and both parties use Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365.

  • Recalling an email is straightforward: find it in Sent Items, click ‘Recall This Message,’ then choose to delete or replace it. Remember, it’s for unread emails, and there’s a way to check recall success.

  • To prevent mishaps, delay your email sends. This gives you time to catch any mistakes. If recall fails, consider third-party tools for sensitive info, or as a last resort, send a sincere apology email.

Recalling Emails in Outlook: The Basics

Person using Microsoft Outlook on a computer
AI-Generated Image of Someone Using Email

Ever sent an email only to realise it contained errors, incomplete messages, or incorrect attachments? Well, fret not. Microsoft Outlook offers a feature that allows you to recall such emails, either replacing them with a corrected version or removing them entirely. This feature plays a vital role in preventing miscommunication and the spread of misinformation.

However, remember that the recall message feature is a safety net for minor mistakes rather than a solution for serious or controversial message errors. You can refer to a message recall report to better understand its effectiveness.

When Can You Recall an Email in Outlook?

Several conditions govern the ability to recall an email in Outlook. To use this feature, the sender and recipient must be in the same organization and have a Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 account. This provision guarantees secure and efficient intra-organizational communication. This implies that, unfortunately, you can’t recall an email once it has left the confines of your organization.

Moreover, the recipient must not have read the email, and it must still be in their recipient’s mailbox. If the message has been processed by any rules or moved to other folders, the recall will not be successful.

Limitations of Email Recall in Outlook

Despite its utility, Outlook’s email recall feature has certain limitations. For one, it only works if the sender and recipient use Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 within the same organization. The recall feature does not support non-Outlook clients like Gmail or Outlook on the Web.

Furthermore, the recall will fail if:

  • An automated rule has moved the original email

  • The original email has been marked as read (such as by viewing in Outlook’s Preview Pane)

  • The recipient has already opened the message

  • The recall feature also does not work from delegate or shared mailboxes

  • The recall fails for emails read on incompatible mobile devices or protected by Azure Information Protection.

Lastly, recall cannot be used on messages sent to public or shared folders where multiple people might have access.

Step-by-Step Guide to Recall an Email in Outlook

Person checking email success status on a smartphone
AI-Generated IMage of someone emailing

Even though recalling an email in Outlook might seem complex, it’s quite simple. Let’s delve into the steps involved in recalling an email, breaking it down into recalling unread emails and replacing sent emails with updated messages.

Recalling Unread Emails

Under certain conditions, you can recall an email if you’ve already sent it before it’s read. For successful collaboration, both you and the recipient need to have a Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Exchange email account within the same organization. This ensures seamless communication and access to shared resources.

To initiate the recall, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Sent Items folder and double-click the sent message to open it in the message tab.

  2. Click on the ‘Recall This Message’ button found on the toolbar.

  3. Confirm the action with OK.

Voila! The recalled message has been successfully retrieved, assuming the recipient hasn’t read it.

Replacing Sent Emails with Updated Messages

Sometimes, you might not want to simply recall an email but replace it with a corrected version, especially if it was sent to the wrong person. This is possible in Outlook, but the recipient is not required to open the original message.

To replace a sent email, select ‘Delete unread copies and replace with a new message’ after clicking on ‘Recall This Message.’ Compose your new email message and click ‘Send.’ It’s that simple! The original email will be replaced with your updated message, provided the original email has not been opened.

Checking the Success of Your Email Recall

Once you’ve recalled an email, how can you confirm if your recall attempt was successful? Outlook provides several ways to check the success of your recall attempt. One option is to select ‘Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient’ when recalling an email, and you’ll be notified of the recall status for each recipient.

Alternatively, you can check the success of your recall by:

  1. Clicking the Tracking button in the Sent Items folder.

  2. If a recall fails, you’ll receive a notification email informing you who has read the email and who has not.

  3. However, if you don’t see a Tracking button when you open an email from your sent items, it indicates that the recall did not work.

  4. Remember that recall status updates may take a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the number of recipients.

How to Prevent Sending Mistakes in Outlook

Although the recall function serves as an excellent backup, the optimal strategy is to avoid sending mistakes from the start. Let’s examine a few strategies to help prevent these blunders, including adding a delay to your emails and proofreading and double-checking before you hit ‘send’.

Adding a Delay to Your Emails

Clock with a delay timer
AI-Generated IMage of Email Time delay

Implementing a delay to your emails can prove beneficial. It offers you a safety margin to spot and rectify any errors before the email is sent.

To add a delay to a single email, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Options’ tab after composing your email.

  2. Choose ‘Delay Delivery’ under ‘More Options’.

  3. Select the desired date and time for the email to be sent.

If you want to delay the delivery of all your emails, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to ‘File’ > ‘Manage Rules & Alerts’.

  2. Create a new rule.

  3. Select ‘defer delivery by a number of minutes’.

  4. Set the maximum delay to up to 120 minutes.

Proofreading and Double-Checking Before Sending

Rushing to send an email only to discover later that it contains mistakes is a common occurrence. This is where the importance of proofreading and double-checking before sending comes into play.

Techniques like reading emails aloud or backwards from the end to the beginning can help catch errors or typos that might otherwise be missed. Also, ensure that your email has a clear subject line and message body to convey your points without ambiguity. Lastly, using spell-check and grammar-check tools provides an extra layer of error prevention, helping to identify and correct mistakes before the email is sent.

Alternative Solutions to Email Recall

Although the recall feature in Outlook is of great value, its effectiveness can be hampered by various conditions and limitations. Let’s explore some alternative solutions that could come in handy when recalling emails isn’t an option or doesn’t do the trick.

Using Third-Party Tools

Person using third-party email recall tool

When the built-in Outlook functionality fails, third-party tools can offer additional support for your Outlook email. These tools can help recall sensitive emails that have been sent erroneously.

Matlock, for instance, is a third-party Outlook add-in that enables users to recall sensitive emails. Similarly, Yahoo Mail has implemented an ‘Unsend’ feature for emails sent from its mobile app.

Sending Apology Emails

Occasionally, recalling an email might be impossible even with your best efforts. In such cases, sending an apology email is a good action. An effective apology email should:

  1. Acknowledge the mistake

  2. Apologize straightforwardly

  3. Correct any misinformation

  4. End with thanks for understanding.

Remember, the goal of the apology email is to demonstrate sincerity, take responsibility, and rebuild trust while maintaining a professional tone.


Recalling emails in Outlook is a powerful feature that allows you to retrieve a sent email before the recipient reads it. However, it’s important to understand the conditions and limitations of this feature, as well as alternative solutions.

While the recall feature is handy, remember that prevention is better than cure. Double-checking before sending, adding a delay to your emails, and using third-party tools can help prevent email mistakes from happening in the first place.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I recall a message in Outlook that’s already sent?

To recall a message in Outlook that’s already sent, open your Sent Items folder, double-click on the email, and select “Recall This Message” from the Actions or Info dropdown. Then, follow the prompts to recall the message.

How do I know if I successfully recalled an email in Outlook?

To know if you successfully recalled an email in Outlook, click on the “Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient” option and expect notifications for each successfully recalled email.

How do I recall an email in Outlook without recipients knowing?

To recall an email in Outlook without the recipient knowing, open your Sent Items folder, find the email, and select ‘Recall This Message’ from the actions dropdown. Choose to replace the message with a new one and uncheck the “Tell me if recall succeeds or fails for each recipient” box.

What is the email recall feature in Outlook?

In Outlook, the email recall feature lets you retrieve a sent email before the recipient reads it, and even replace it with a corrected version if needed.

When can I recall an email in Outlook?

You can recall an email in Outlook if both you and the recipient are in the same organization, using a Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft 365 account, and if the recipient hasn’t read the email yet and it’s still in their Inbox. Try to act quickly!

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